Tuesday, November 29, 2011

NMI Seller

People are so much in the rears that they are selling everything except the kitchen sink. You trust anyone, if it's a good item or plain and simple. just stolen... Northern Mariana Islands.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Coin Collecting in the Marianas

First and foremost, where's the Marianas? Some would answer this question with "it's by Guam or Japan." Well they are both right in some ways! LOL! Look it up...:)

I've been collecting Coins and Currency for over 22 years and it has been difficult doing so on an Island. Imagine a population of 76,000 people and here's the nightmare, all of the bank employees are Coin and Currency collectors! How can collectors find anything!

Well here's a few pointers on how get started:


1. Make friends with Bank Employees.
2. Trade Coins once in a blue moon with them.
3. Talk to their supervisors, if there playing games. Remember, they are not suppose to be
collecting coins on the job...Hehehe

Pawn Shops

1. Make friends with Pawn Shop owners.
2. Teach them about your hobby.
3. Let them know how much your willing to buy coins for.
4. Pay them a little bit more above their buying prices.
5. Do not buy stolen items, make sure the what ever you buy comes with a receipt.


1. Make friends with store owners.
2. Teach them about your hobby.
3. Let them know how much your willing to buy coins for.

One of the disadvantages of doing so, is some of the mentioned people or professions above might just start collecting, then your back to square one again...LOL! Therefore, careful when you share to much.:)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

It is now History...

The Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI) received it's U.S. State Quarter under the United States; State, Territories and Commonwealths Quarter Program.

The series is now complete, making the NMI's quarter the rearrest and sought after state quarter to be issued.

So the question is are we Americans yet? Hmmm..

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Small Island Politics

With all politics, it's a bit dirty. But when it comes to small island politics it's double the trouble. In this blog, I will attempt to describe politics on a small island.

First you have to take into consideration the population of the Islands. Are we looking a 100, 00 people or just 70,000 people. You might think it's easy to tell whose going to win, right? But that's not the case with small islands.

Second, how many political parties? There might be two or at most four different political parties. Such as, Republicans, Democrats, Covenant, Independent, Reform, etc. Also, with Small Island politics there might be no laws or standards with regard to how many parties. Commonly, in the U.S. system there's two, which are Republicans and Democrats.

Third, we have to consider the number of families, remember this is a small Island(s). So if half of the island is from one family, then there is bound to be one-sided voters. In these cases, it does not matter if you've been a U.S. Senator or a person who has been President. I your not a "Smith" you not going to get a single vote.

Therefore, in these types of elections, majority of time, your only hope is with family or the maturity of the voters. If voters are mature enough they can see past family connection and only see what's best for the Island(s), then you have chance. But in most cases that's not true.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Saipan Fisherman's Association

The Saipan Fisherman's Association is a non-profit organization located in the U.S. Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. This organization is dedicated in sponsoring fishing tournaments as well as being the voice of fisher's within the Commonwealth.

The members are composed of men and women that are fisher's and non-fisher's. For the past 24 and half years these individuals have volunteered their time and money is making, each year, an exciting and most profitable event for sport fisher's.

Therefore, if you would like to learn more please visit http://www.go2cnmi.com/

Friday, April 17, 2009

Money Market vs. Gold & Silver

Here an interesting thing, did you know that for past the seven years, the Money Market has seen numerous downfalls. This we know, but did you know that gold and silver has been more stable and dependable through the years. The is true by looking at the raise of gold and silver prices from 1975 to present.

The thing about Gold and Silver is the composition, it does not change, only the value. So far, for the past 20 years Gold and Silver has been going, going, going up! As for the Money market, yes it does change, it changes with the needs of a society. The world market determines the price of stocks, it may go up and of course as we have seen it, it can go down. Same as for Gold and Silver.

Gold and Silver on the other hand, retains it's value, appeal and it's use every day life. From being used in electronics, jewelry, coinage to art. Remember, some of the oldest documents describing or talking about gold and silver goes as far back as 2600 B.C.

So in conclusion, you may not want to put all your eggs in one basket.

Note: As of April 18, 2009 Gold was at $869.00 and Silver was at $11.87 an once. By knowing this, what is an once?

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The fall of the housing market

As the economy goes through a recession, more and more houses are foreclosed or put on the market for sale. This is apparent with the number of houses that are bank owned and the number of people moving.

Who's fault is it? Is it the banks or the buyer? One thing is for sure, banks should of never given home loans to people that can't afford them. In addition, interest rates should of been controlled.

The other factor is jobs, people are loosing their jobs, making it of course impossible to pay their loans. The other side of this downfall, is if you have the money it's a buying market.