First and foremost, where's the Marianas? Some would answer this question with "it's by Guam or Japan." Well they are both right in some ways!
LOL! Look it up...:)
I've been collecting Coins and Currency for over 22 years and it has been difficult doing so on an Island. Imagine a population of 76,000 people and here's the nightmare, all of the bank employees are Coin and Currency collectors! How can collectors find anything!
Well here's a few pointers on how get started:
Banks1. Make friends with Bank Employees.
2. Trade Coins once in a blue moon with them.
3. Talk to their supervisors, if there playing games. Remember, they are not suppose to be
collecting coins on the job...
HehehePawn Shops1. Make friends with Pawn Shop owners.
2. Teach them about your hobby.
3. Let them know how much your willing to buy coins for.
4. Pay them a little bit more above their buying prices.
5. Do not buy stolen items, make sure the what ever you buy comes with a receipt.
Stores1. Make friends with store owners.
2. Teach them about your hobby.
3. Let them know how much your willing to buy coins for.
One of the disadvantages of doing so, is some of the mentioned people or professions above might just start collecting, then your back to square one again...
LOL! Therefore, careful when you share to much.:)