Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Small Island Politics

With all politics, it's a bit dirty. But when it comes to small island politics it's double the trouble. In this blog, I will attempt to describe politics on a small island.

First you have to take into consideration the population of the Islands. Are we looking a 100, 00 people or just 70,000 people. You might think it's easy to tell whose going to win, right? But that's not the case with small islands.

Second, how many political parties? There might be two or at most four different political parties. Such as, Republicans, Democrats, Covenant, Independent, Reform, etc. Also, with Small Island politics there might be no laws or standards with regard to how many parties. Commonly, in the U.S. system there's two, which are Republicans and Democrats.

Third, we have to consider the number of families, remember this is a small Island(s). So if half of the island is from one family, then there is bound to be one-sided voters. In these cases, it does not matter if you've been a U.S. Senator or a person who has been President. I your not a "Smith" you not going to get a single vote.

Therefore, in these types of elections, majority of time, your only hope is with family or the maturity of the voters. If voters are mature enough they can see past family connection and only see what's best for the Island(s), then you have chance. But in most cases that's not true.

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